Henry V: Act II Discussion

Moving on to our discussion of Act II of Henry V!

We talk about the expositional nature of the Chorus in Act II, our feeling that Falstaff is missing from the play and the changing cast of comedic figures in the tavern gang trying to make up for his absence, the huge challenge of the prose scenes, the unabashedly pro-English lens of the play, Shakespeare as the myth maker of Henry V as the warrior king, and queering discourse and the othering of the French.

Our ensemble for Henry V includes Nazlah Black, Esther Boles, Zoe Burke, Andrew Codispoti, Xdzunúm Danae, Zoë Goslin, Isabel Karp, Colin Kohrs, Alexander Lane, Julia Larsen, Amy Meilander, Jesse Van Buren, facilitated and directed by Ariana Karp.