Henry V: Act V Discussion

And thus we conclude Henry V with our discussion of Act V!

Among many topics, we discussed how the act’s Chorus speech departs from hype man to interim narrator, the danger in Shakespeare’s contemporary references, the purpose of the final scene with Fluellen, Gower, and Pistol, Burgundy and smarmy metaphors, family becoming transactional in royal families, the existence of hope for a somewhat equal and productive partnership between Katherine and Henry, the deliberate destabilizing of the entire play with the final epilogue.

Our ensemble for Henry V includes Nazlah Black, Esther Boles, Zoe Burke, Andrew Codispoti, Xdzunúm Danae, Zoë Goslin, Isabel Karp, Colin Kohrs, Alexander Lane, Julia Larsen, Amy Meilander, Jesse Van Buren, facilitated and directed by Ariana Karp.