Tabling: The Tempest Act V

Chasen Schneider, Levi Morger, Mitchell Kawash and Ariana Karp conclude our discussion of Act V of The Tempest

  • We determined that we enjoy Act V more than Act IV.
  • Specificity of stage directions and the overlap between ritual, theatre and religion
  • Prospero’s turn from revenge to forgiveness - when does it happen and how that affects the play?
  • Parallels to Marlowe’s Dr. Faustus 
  • Staging choices in the modern age 
  • Physical vs. Metaphysical storm
  • What happens with Antonio and Sebastian? Are they repentant? Is their silence acceptance or defiance?
  • Is order restored at the end of the play?
William Hutt as Prospero in The Tempest.

William Hutt as Prospero in The Tempest.